Safety Precautions

Important WaterRower Safety Guidelines


1. Please consult a physician before commencing any exercise program.


2. Wear proper exercise clothing when rowing.


3. Injury may occur if equipment is used improperly.

Please refer to for advice on how to properly use the WaterRower, rowing technique, and training advice.


4. To protect against injury, please ensure others do not touch machine when in use. Areas of concern are highlighted in the image below.


5. Keep all observers, especially children and pets away from moving seat wheels, straps and pulleys.


6. Place the handle back into the handle rest after use. Do not let go of the handle when rowing.


7. Do not pull on the handle when the WaterRower is upright. This can cause the WaterRower to fall over.


8. When the WaterRower is in its upright storage position, take care it is not bumped which may cause it to fall over. Take extra caution with children.

By following these precautions and using common sense, you will have many safe and pleasurable years of healthful exercise on your WaterRower.