A1/GX Service Instructions

A1/GX: Seat Replacement

Step 1.  Stand the Indo-Row machine up and unclip the bungee cord.

Step 2.  Using the 5mm Allen Key, undo the 2 back rear leg bolts.

Step 3.  Using the 5mm Allen Key undo the 2 back seat stoppers on either side of the monorail and slide the stoppers out. You may just have rubber stoppers, if so, slide the stoppers out.

Step 4.  Slide the seat off the rail.

Step 5.  At this time, use a cloth to clean the inside groove of the monorail.

Step 6.  Before sliding the new seat carriage on, ensure there is a rubber stopper on each side of the rail all the way to the front stoppers. Then slide the new seat onto the monorail.

Step 7.  Replace the back seat rubber stoppers.

Step 8.  Replace the rear leg.

Step 9.  Reconnect the bungee cord with the recoil belt.

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